Saturday, April 30, 2011

Solitary Confinement

In class earlier in the week, we read an article "Courtroom 302" and it was about the way that the men and woman being held in the Cook County Criminal Courthouse, were being treated by the police officers and other people working there. It was so degrading to read the nasty things that the police officers would say to them, like, "shut the f**k up". The funny thing is, that the people that are being held in the Cook County Criminal Courthouse, haven't even been proven guilty yet. In my opinion, that's not the way tom treat these people, because what if they are innocent? Another thing, there are far more worse inmates who have committed more severe crimes then the inmates in the Cook County Criminal Courthouse, who have committed drug crimes and other things along those lines. Just because they are being held until they post bind, they shouldn't be treated like a wild animal.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life Changing

On Sunday I worked at Special Olymics and had the most amazing experience ever!  The morning of S.O, I said to myself that this would be a good time, I could get to bond with some of the athletes, and that it would be just like working at NWSRA; and it was.  I worked with some of the most amazing athletes and they were all so positive.  If the they weren't winning, they would keep a smile on their faces and try their best to win.  In the real world, people tend to stare; at least that's what I have noticed working at NWSRA. The camp that I work at is for special needs kids.  When we would go bowling, swimming, or even go see a movie, there would always be people staring and whispering things.  What people don't know, is that kids who have a mental disability have feelings too and are probably just as smart as you are, or maybe even smarter.  See that's what people tend to forget.  They are just the same as you and me; except they look different and process things different too.  But I love working with them because if I am having the worst day ever, they will make me smile and laugh because they just love life and love making new friends and having fun!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Degrading Woman

In class on Wednesday and Thursday, Sal showed us a movie on Feminism and how ads, movies, television shows, and basically everything in society degrades woman and makes them look weak and not perfect.  In my life, I grew up watching Disney movies like the Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and my personal favorite, Beauty and the Beast.  Growing up watching these movies, you don't really pay attention to masculine parts and feminine parts.  Children mainly focus on fashion, how beautiful the character is, and how pretty her hair is.  I babysit for a 5 year old girl, a 3 year old boy, and a 5 month old.  The 5 year old loves to sing and dance, and in the feminine world, singing and dancing is what all little girls do because that's what everyone else is doing.  The 3 year old is very loud and wanting to always play with his trucks and toys.  Babysitting for these kids makes me see how different girls are from boys, and it's crazy to think that the only reason why we are like this is because we have seen it ever since we were growing up and we don't know any better.